What is Crafting?


Etherwaifu is a 2018 waifu NFT project, the first all-female generative NFT. If you have 2 Etherwaifu, you can create a new child Etherwaifu which will pick its traits from the 2 parents. The parents will not be destroyed.

For example, suppose you have Mio Close up (Parent A) and Momo Full body (Parent B). The child can possibly be one of these:

In actuality, there are many more traits such as hair style, clothes, and face expression, so the possible combination will be a lot more.

There are initially 1,025 genesis waifu, and supply cap for crafting will be 6,942 waifu (1,025 genesis + 5,917 can be newly crafted).

You can craft from the official site. Here are the exact steps:

About migration: Will it change my waifu id? No. Actually if you bought your waifu from OpenSea, it’s already using a wrapper to make the NFT tradable on OpenSea. Migration will only move it to a newer wrapper which gives crafting ability without changing the id. Your historical NFT will still be historical.

Genesis id OpenSea compatible? Crafting?
2018 contract 0-1,024 No No
2021 wrapper (temporary) 0-1,024 (unchanged) Yes No
2022 wrapper (final) 0-1,024 (unchanged) Yes Yes